Three years ago I stepped onto the campus of an Ivy League institution I knew I had no business being at. I was interviewing for a job I knew I was not going to get. I thought, surely they’ll realize there are more qualified candidates…I’m 23, this place does not hire young people, especially young […]
Get Your Mind Right
Be A Better You
If there’s one thing I learned over this past year, it’s that I am my own worst enemy. I hate cliché quotes but this year, I just might adopt the mantra New Year, New Me. Often times when we hear people say, New Year, New Me, it’s with a hint of sass. It’s this idea that they’re […]
Self Care
I still can’t make it through Mac Miller’s, Swimming, without shedding a few tears. Ironically enough, I also haven’t made it through Ariana Grande’s latest songs, breathin’ or get well soon without getting in my feelings. Though the two celebs have now become infamously and inextricably linked, the reason for my emotion isn’t connected to […]
Find Your Balance
September gets on my nerves. It always just sneaks up on you. It’s not that I don’t like September, I just love summer. Taking lavish vacations, working on my tan, concerts galore, staying #BookedAndBusy living my best life and not worrying about the future. But then September hits. It starts getting colder and the days […]
Keep That Same Energy
When I was in sixth grade, there was another black girl in my school who would frequently bully me. She would make fun of me for wearing glasses, she would call me light-skin, she would make fun of me for being nerdy. She was in eighth grade at the time and to most six graders, […]
How to Keep up with the News Without Losing Your Mind
I am sick of the news. The constant bombardment of news, misinformation, oversharing, and repetition of what is going on can be draining. Unless you permanently log off the internet, stop all phone calls from coming in, and avoid everyone you know, it is almost impossible to avoid. We all process information in different ways. […]