Six Months of Success

I know you’re probably wondering, “It’s only been six months since you started your blog, why are you celebrating this?” First of all, because it’s my blog and I can do what I want. But secondly, it’s a big deal!

Considering the average blogger gives up between three and six months into their blog, I’m proud of the progress I’ve made. I’ve remained consistent, I’ve put out quality content, and I learn more about myself every day.

For the longest time, I wanted to start a blog, but I let fear consume me to the point where I just abandoned the idea for years. Now that I finally have it out in the world, I feel much more confident about everything else I want to do. So, if you’re considering starting a blog or whatever else you’ve been passionate about: Just Nike that Idea and DO IT.

Now that I’ve developed a solid framework and built up a following for my blog, I’ve set some goals that I’d like to achieve to continue to increase my engagement. They’re not unreasonable, but they’re goals nonetheless.  With your help, I hope to accomplish these goals by the end of the summer.

Click on the links below and make sure to get connected with me across social media.

Social Media Engagement Goals


Instagram: 600 Followers


Facebook: 200 Likes

Pinterest: 100 Followers

Twitter: 300 Followers

subscribe to shayshaytries

Newsletter: 100 Subscribers

Melanin Bloggers Network

If there’s one piece of advice I could give it would be to get connected to other bloggers via social media. This is unarguably the best way to grow your blog organically. To help in this process, I’ve created a Facebook Group called the Melanin Bloggers Network. My goal in creating this is for bloggers across a variety of ethnicities and races to get connected and feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and cultures with other bloggers.  If this sounds like something you’re interested in you can join here.

As for what’s in store these next six months? More learning, more growth, and of course, more posts. Thank you to everyone who has supported me in all the things I’m doing and trying to do.

I’ve been able to take some incredible trips, craft some delicious culinary masterpieces, hone in on what’s happening in my culture, and have even come close to mastering the art of adulting. Just kidding.

What goals are you trying to accomplish in these next six months? Have you just started a blog? Are you having trouble remaining consistent? Is there something you’d love for me to try? Let me know what you’re excited for in the next six months in the comments below.

25 Replies to “Six Months of Success”

  1. Congratulations! You’re doing great – keep it up! 🙂

  2. happy 6mos – the best is yet to come! while my following isn’t huge, it’s loyal & true and I find that the most exciting about this world…and you’re right, connecting w/ other influencers is a great way to get traction, and it’s also an awesome outlet to make friends, get inspired, find a support group. blogging is -so- much fun, but like anything, it has is downsides…so having a ‘lil crew to rely on is key! here’s to another 6mos, gf!

  3. Congrats! Keep up the great work.

  4. 6 months is a big deal! Congrats! Gave you some follows also.

  5. Wow! I didn’t know that the average blogger stops within 3 to 6 months. Way to stick with it!!!!

  6. Congrats on 6 months!! I remember that was a big turning point for me! I totally agree too, consistency is key!

  7. you go girl – keep it up and keep rockin!

  8. It’s always great to celebrate every milestone no matter how small it might seem. That’s a great boost for you to keep going! Keep at it!

  9. Congrats!! That’s a huge deal and you should be very proud! I have been blogging for 5.5 years now and you’re spot on when you talk about consistency. Staying consistent is key to a longevity!

  10. Whoo hoo 6 months!! Keep it up girl, a year will be here soon.

  11. Congratulations on your 6 month blogaversary!!!! I’m telling you girl, it is tough trying to stay consistent with blogging. So, I commend you for sticking with it this long. I know that you are going to make a huge mark in this world if you continue in the direction you’re going!!! Don’t give up!!! Cheers to more months and years of blogging!!! And cheers to getting better everyday!

  12. Congrats!!!! I had the same fear!!!
    I will say that as someone who has blogging for a year, u have more subscribers than me lol! And more subscribers than most. Don’t ever get discouraged again! You’re doing great work

  13. As a person who started blogging, gave up, and then came back to it, I celebrate with you! Congrats on six months of consistency!

  14. Consistency really is key! Great work on your blog! Keep it up, stay focused, and you will surpass your goals in no time! 🙂

  15. Congrats on six months! The first year of blogging is definitely the hardest, so you’re well on your way to working through it!!


  16. Cheers on your achievement. Keep posting more quality content.


  17. Congrats on the six month milestone!! You’re doing great!

  18. SO happy for you girl!!! happy 6 months. you are doing great

  19. the sophia diaries says: Reply

    ohhhh i love that you created an fb group! but also extremely happy for you on all this growth <3

    1. Getting engagement is so important so I figured a FB group would be so helpful as they have been super helpful for me!

  20. Yay! Happy blog-iversary! You’ve accomplished so much in your six months!

  21. Congrats girl! 6 months strong is such a great accomplishment 🙂

  22. happy 6 months – i think that’s so awesome of you to celebrate this! no win is too small or too little, you’re doing SO well!

  23. super happy for you girl!!! growing is so fun! happy 6 months!!! enjoy the weekend

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